Embarking on the Journey

I'm Fran, the founder of breathe birth bond. During my first pregnancy, I became passionate about everything related to pregnancy and birth. I was determined to acquire as much information as possible to have the birth experience that aligned with my beliefs and hopes. As a mother of two young sons, I understand the ups and downs of pregnancy, birth, and the postnatal period. 

As a Finance and Operations professional in the children's charity sector, I've always been passionate about supporting others. However, I knew that I wanted to be the one to actively provide support rather than facilitating it from afar. During my second maternity leave in 2022, I trained as an Antenatal and Early Postnatal Educator with Blossom Antenatal, and I haven't looked back. I went on to train as a Hypnobirthing Practitioner with Mama Serene, a Pre and Postnatal Pregnancy Yoga Teacher with Sally Parkes and Doula with The Birth Bliss Academy.

My goal is to provide a safe environment for you to navigate your own birth journey. We're here to guide you and ensure that you feel empowered throughout the process.

Let's journey together towards achieving a safe and positive birth experience.

Experience the profound transformation, from the moment of conception to the miraculous first cry. Embrace the essence of maternal wisdom, nurturing the bond that lasts a lifetime. Let each breath guide you through the path to motherhood and beyond.

breathe birth bond offers a wide range of classes, workshops and 1 - 1 services to support you through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

Here to guide you


Here to reduce your anxieties through evidence based classes. Giving you a moment to breathe and focus on yourself and your baby.

Empowering your choice


Empowering your right to choose the birth option that you align with.  Supporting you in the transformation that comes with birthing your baby.

Forming connections


Proving a space with the opportunity to form connections and friendships with others on the same journey, as you prepare to meet your babies.

Birth is powerful, so are you